Sunday, April 25, 2010

Call + Response

After watching the movie in school and having a dream in which I lived in a brothel, I have become very interested in an organization called Call + Response ( who fight to end global slavery. The organization made a "rockumentary" where Justin Dillon got other artists who cared about the cause and just recorded and made a movie about the rising cause. 27 million people are enslaved today.

One thing that absolutely broke my heart while watching the "rockumentary" was when two little girls were talking about "boom boom" (sex) and "yum yum" (oral sex). They were talking about how "boom boom" was okay and how one of them could do "yum yum" well.

Also, one woman in the film said that since these sex slaves have been developing STDs so quickly, the clients start to go for younger girls. It started at 15, to 14, to 12, to 7, to 3.

Living so close to San Francisco, when I learned that San Francisco is the worst city for human trafficking/slavery in the country, I was terrified and wondered what has been happening in my back yard that I don't even know about. What have I been secretly supporting and allowing?

I'd recommend checking out the Call and Response website, which has a ton of links to other websites fighting the same cause, and joining the cause if you're interested.

"Justice is what love looks like in public." - Dr. Cornel West

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