Monday, July 26, 2010

Hanging out with Humpbacks

Chloe and Her Domain
View from the Bar of the Crow's Nest in Santa Cruz
Roosevelt on an Alaskan Cruise
Lady Bugs say "anghanghanghanghangh"
Trail in the Avenue of Giants
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Why hello there! I know I really haven't actually blogged anything good in a while so I'm going to attempt make this an actually okay blog. But what I'm about to talk about I haven't quite figured out. So here we go...
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Bruises and Scars. Both show mistakes. Both show pain. One more painful than the other. One more permanent than the other. Although both show pain and pasts, they show knowledge and the future. Mistakes are made, they are learned from, and hopefully they aren't made again.
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Dreams and Icebergs. They're both surreal. They can be both light and dark. They are two compltetly different things, yet they have so much in common. Both have about 90% of them hidden. You only see 10% of an iceberg. Only about 10% of a dream in litteral.
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So I keep thinking of things to say, but I really can't think of what to say. Let's just go straight to somethings I love.
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Beach. I'd like to be there. I'd really like to be there right now. I want to be there with the people I love. That would be sooo amazing.
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Music.! It's like pandora but you have a profile and you can share your stations with all your friends. Check out my profile and stations at:
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Love. I'm so in love. I can't even explain how it feels. Amazing. That's the only word can think of.
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And just thought I'd explain my title to this... I saw humpback whales in Alaska and "hanging out with humpbacks" was something a girl on Whale Wars said after seeing a pod of humpback whales and I liked it. So I'm going to go and really quickly just a shoutout to my 2nd mom... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JACQUI!
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"Our hearts are heavy burdens,
We shouldn't have to bear alone."

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