Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello Sunshine

Pine Mountain Lake
Pine Mountain Lake again
James running on the beach :]
View of the Game Room from the stairs
Pool table in the Game Room
Mickey Mouse loft
Mickey Mouse collection in the Mickey Mouse loft
Mickey Mouse bathroom
Towels and a poster in the Mickey Mouse themed bathroom.
Since blogspot deleted my last blog, I'm going to try to summarize it. So basically I am so pysched for Yosemite! On my way back from the amazing weekend with Justin, we saw a sign that said "Yosemite 70" and I figured out, at that moment, I was 70 days away from 70 miles. Sorry, just a random cool thing I noticed.
Yesterday: I said something along the lines of "Yay! I haven't eaten meat and I dont want to! I'm so proud of my self! Blah blah blah blah blah I really want a huge turkey sandwhich blah blah blah."
Today: Yeah.. Turkey is tempting me. The dinner my mom is cooking has meat in it. Temptation is getting the best of me. I can't do this! I'm thinking I may just do what my friend, Audrey, does is just know where my meat comes from to make sure that the animal I'm eating lived a happy life before it was killed for me. And I may go Avatar like and thank the meat for dying so I could eat it. So technically I'm still vegetarian, but once I eat dinner. I'm done... I guess the only time it will work is when I move out and I'm able to make my own meat free food and not even have meat in the house tempting me.
So I also learned that if I get back from my trip across the country in time, I'll be able to go to Pine Mountain Lake with my dad, sister, brother and step mom. I love our cabin up there. I love the lake. I love everything about it. The pictures above are all from up there from 2 years ago. I love the Mickey Mouse loft and bathroom we have. It is such a cool place to be and, not to sound cheesy, it makes me feel so young. I love it! Then we have the game room. Complete with a mini fridge, TV, couch, pool table, bar, and pinball machine. It is so chill and I spend most of my time down there. Then there is the beautiful lake. Enough said.
Today felt like summer. It was beautiful. I forget where I heard it, but I heard "summer is a state of mind" and that's exactly how I feel. I love the feeling of summer. Today I went swimming and fixed my collages that have been falling down. I was able to hangout with friends and enjoy the nice weather and I got a tan! Tomorrow is the last day of school and I'm so excited!
Well, time to become an omnivore again!

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